4/23 (mini-bocks - 3rd block speed dating interview exercise WIND)Logo work using InDesign to create brand for yourself Intro to Pinterest and Pantone (button above) DUE: Ray Film analysis written or typed (not on the worksheet handed to you) 4/25 (mini-bocks - 3rd block speed dating interview exercise EARTH) Work time in class for logo: check out these examples your classmates have created: erica's graphic design 4/29(mini-bocks - 3rd block speed dating interview exercise FIRE) Logo work: transferring your in design logo to previously created documents. Last call for all items to be sent to printer. 5/1 Putting your portfolio together:
spine headshot business card cover letter resume letters of rec. all internship documents and evidence
5/5 jury assessments (late printed materials are in my room inside the front door - all items that need to be printed that were not submitted by the 29th are the responsibility of those students) 5/7 (sub: I will be administering jury assessments in C-105) All day jury assessments: work on Multi media projects related to The Things They Carried and US History Project. 5/9 jury assessments: multi- media computer access. 5/13 Revisiting Frenzel's project and talking about strategies for taking on small chunks of this project 5/15 reviewing Silk and Wix as alternatives to weebly. 5/19 multi media work day 5/27 multi media work day DUE: THE THINGS THEY CARRIED MULTIMEDIA PROJECT DUE